Thursday, October 2, 2008

It does not exist around here...

Let me tell you up front: Ethics does not exist in academia. I have not seen it. I have not seen it among faculty, administrators, staff, or students. I met a senior colleague a couple days ago, and was assured that if you are, by any chance, a professional, ethical, and smart scholar, you will be punished for it-repeatedly.

So, welcome to my blog. Please use it to rant about unethical behavior you see around you in academia...

And why do I talk about this? Because I cannot stand it. For example, two of my so-called colleagues (a.k.a.) sharks consistently use my ideas to publish themselves or give to their doc students (in hopes to publish together later). Then, they bully me to tell them what I am currently working on. Pooooh, am I soooo stupid?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've got lots of stories to tell about that, both as a grad student and as someone who taught in a post-secondary institution.

I returned to university influenced by the Hollywood image of professors, namely that they were moral, ethical, and courteous with one another and that they were engaged in noble pursuits. My first year of grad studies was an education in itself, and not for the purposes I enrolled.